Sarah Bridge, LCSW, provides professional phone/video consultations to mental health professionals in the United States and internationally on various psychotherapy treatment approaches to individual, couples and family issues, including the use of Pia Mellody’s PIT Model of treatment. Consultation topics include: trauma, re-parenting, love addiction and love avoidance, and couples boundary work. If interested in scheduling a consultation, please contact Sarah.


Chris John, MSC

Director at TW London, UK

“Sarah is undoubtedly the most effective case consultant with whom I have worked. Her knowledge, insight and professionalism have helped me improve in all areas of my clincal practice. My improved theraputic framework has helped me treat even highly resistant patients. Working with Sarah has increased my effectiveness, which has led to increased referrals.”


Paige Brewster Kelly, LCSW

New York, NY

“I met Sarah in 2011 during a clinical training with Pia Mellody. After completing the training, I began phone consultations with Sarah because of her thourough understanding of Pia Mellody’s model. I work extensively with trauma in my practice, and Sarah’s diverse background and wisdom have been invaluable. I have especially appericated her insights on sexual abuse and shame.”